Laskaridis Shipping chooses Marpoint’s EVO2 Platform for their entire fleet

Laskaridis Shipping chooses Marpoint’s Evo2 Platform for their entire fleet

Based in Greece, Laskaridis Shipping made the strategic decision to make a fleet-wide rollout of the Evo2 Router & Platform in order to take advantage of the several options for business and crew communication that the solution offers.

Laskaridis Shipping, a dynamic dry bulk shipping company based in Greece, made the strategic decision to make a fleet-wide rollout of the Evo2 Router & Platform in order to take advantage of the several options the solution offers for business and crew communication.

’’Marpoint’s solution allowed a fleet wide upgrade of our vessels internal Wi-Fi and LAN network, offered Crew Internet Services, decreased business and crew communications costs and enhanced our Ship-to-Shore & Shore-to-Ship business operations, without increasing our satellite costs. In addition, having a fleet wide network solution provided the ability to trial various, more than one, Satellite airtime providers and compare the different airtime packages like FBB, FX and VSAT (Ku-Band) available in the Market. I wonder if this is not innovation in vessel communication then what it is… Chris Koustenis / ICT Manager


Laskaridis Shipping IT department took the executive decision to upgrade its fleet’s communication services and their current satellite airtime packages without increasing the existing communication budget.
The prerequisites were:
  • 1. One network and email solution for the entire fleet
  • 2. Cooperate with any Satellite provider and being able to handle all WAN interfaces
  • 3. Ability to make installations remotely without the need to send engineers on board
  • 4. Centralized administration platform for fleet and services management
  • 5. Offer crew welfare & crew Internet and calling services (Data + VoIP)
  • 6. Upgrade vessels’ services without increasing the existing communication costs


  • 1. Evo2 Platform
  • 2. Hybrid PBX
  • 3. Crew Calling
  • 4. Crew Internet
  • 5. Ship to shore and shore to ship free communication
  • 6. Network Firewall Protection – Web Filtering
  • 7. Wi-Fi and VoIP vessel network
  • 8. Evo News – Crew welfare solution

’’Having Marpoint solution installed in 80% of our fleet in such short time makes them proactive, versatile and particularly responsive to every single stage of this project. Their engineers and support dealt all obstacles and difficulties we came across, with most important, time pressure. On top of that add the very good pricing of the services and hardware and you get a very positive end to end customer experience you do not come across very often.Tsialtas Vasilis / ICT Dept.

  • 1. Independency of the satellite providers from Wi-Fi to VSAT to FBB to 3G/4G
  • 2. Always online – always-on support
  • 3. Quality of Service (QoS) for bandwidth management
  • 4. Great Reduction on Internet & Communication Costs both for company and crew
  • 5. Return on Investment (ROI)
  • 6. Bring your own device (BYOD) functionality for crew
  • 7. Custom-made services
  • 8. Local Greek DID numbers
  • 80%
    of vessel installations
    within 4 months
  • 65+
    Total Vessel
  • ~35%
    by airtime
    cost savings
  • 1500+
    now use crew welfare
    internet services

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