The Seafarers' Companion

A Holistic Approach to Crew Welfare

As maritime norms evolve and crew needs rise, MarPoint presents Seafarers’ Companion, an all-in-one crew welfare solution a smart tool to enhance communication, training, and well-being, ensuring seafarers’ success and fulfillment at sea.

MarPoint’s extensive service portfolio caters to a diverse fleet of over 4,000 vessels, encompassing cargo ships, tankers, bulk carriers, cruise ships, containerships, and fishing vessels.

How happy about contact with family when at sea?
7.11 ↓ from 7.56

The Quarter 2 survey responses underscore the ongoing issues related to connectivity and communication for seafarers. There is a need for improved affordability, speed, and accessibility of internet services to enhance the overall communication experience at sea.

How happy about the training you receive?
7.09 ↓ from 7.41

Companies must prioritise the effective execution of training programs, drills, and familiarisation activities to ensure the safety, preparedness, and competence of the crew.

Seamless Crew Connectivity and Management

Provide your Seafarers with unprecedented Crew Internet, advanced connectivity, flexible user profiles, and fleet-wide internet cards, all while fostering a connected and productive crew environment.

Take advantage of all the latest Maritime Connectivity innovations, such as 5G and Starlink
Provide unprecedented Crew Internet to your Seafarers
Routing policies per WAN
User-based internet cards, transferable across your fleet’s ships
Customize your users’ profiles according to your needs

Stay Connected with Evo News

Stay informed about current events, sports scores, and business news from around the globe with Evo News. Access a diverse range of sources, regardless of nationality, to keep your crew engaged and informed.

Free sports, economic and general news from around the world, regardless of nationality
Free Video Games, preinstalled ready to be played during your Seafarers’ free time
Share important documents, photos, and training materials directly to your crew's screens with your company's feed

The Seafarers' Companion Includes:

Empower your crew with dedicated hardware for efficient internet access, pre-installed software for enhanced engagement and productivity, and real-time data management and reporting.

Starlink Maritime
Provided via authorized Starlink Reseller
Dedicated Hardware for Crew Management
Live data/management and reporting system via our central management platform
Powered by our 24/7/365 support IT Services by our IT experts

MarPoint’s Seafarer’s Companion blazes a trail in the maritime industry, setting the standard for innovation and exceeding the latest ILO guidelines while catering to the rising demand for value-added services. Elevate your fleet’s performance with MarPoint’s Seafarer’s Companion and witness the transformative power of unparalleled crew engagement and connectivity.

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