Managed IT Services

Enhancing Efficiency and Reliability

Leverage the expertise of Marpoint’s IT managed services. We offer a robust solution that streamlines your IT operations, freeing your team to focus on core maritime business activities.

Our services bridge the skill gap by providing access to a team of maritime IT specialists, optimize costs with predictable monthly fees, and ensure superior reliability and security through proactive monitoring and guaranteed service levels.

Unlocking Business Potential

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Hardware & Network Infrastructure

Hardware & Network Infrastructure

Dedicated IT Project Manager

Dedicated IT Project Manager

cloud security

Cloud Managed Services

Marpoint crew welfare

Crew Welfare Services

Marpoint support

On Site Support & Global Network

User friendly web management platform

Vulnerabilities & Threats Assessment

Patch Management

Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

Streamline Your IT, Unleash Your Potential

Managed IT services emerge as a powerful solution, offering a beacon of efficiency and expertise.

These services empower organizations to navigate the complexities of technology with ease. By seamlessly bridging the skills gap, providing cost-effective solutions, and guaranteeing rock-solid reliability, managed IT services liberate businesses to focus on what truly matters: driving growth and staying ahead of the curve. This approach offers several key benefits:

  • Bridging the Skill Gap: Our team of maritime IT experts possesses the specialized knowledge and experience to manage your systems effectively. This frees up your internal staff to focus on core business functions and strategic initiatives.

  • Cost Savings: Managed services often come with a predictable monthly fee, allowing for better budget planning. You also avoid the upfront costs of hiring and training in-house IT staff.

  • Improved Reliability and Security: We proactively monitor your systems 24/7, identifying and resolving potential issues before they become major problems. Our services are delivered under a Service Level Agreement (SLA), ensuring consistent performance and rapid response times.

Marpoint's IT Managed Services:

Marpoint offers a comprehensive suite of IT managed services designed specifically for the maritime industry. These services include:

  • Remote Monitoring and Management: We continuously monitor your vessel’s IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network performance. This allows us to identify and address issues remotely, minimizing downtime and ensuring optimal system health.

  • Security Solutions: Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern in the maritime industry. Marpoint provides robust security solutions, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and security patching, to safeguard your critical data and systems.

  • Compliance Assistance: We stay current with the latest maritime regulations, including IMO 2021, to ensure your IT infrastructure meets all compliance requirements.

  • 24/7/365 Support: Our dedicated team of IT professionals is available around the clock to provide technical support via phone, email, or an automated ticketing system.

All this comes with predictable billing, just what your management needs.

Choosing the Right Managed Service Provider:

When choosing a managed service provider, consider the following:

  • Clearly Defined SLAs: Ensure the provider offers clear and measurable service level agreements outlining performance expectations and response times.
  • Strategic IT Planning: Look for a provider that can work collaboratively with your team to develop a long-term IT strategy aligned with your business goals.
  • Proven Track Record: Choose a provider with a proven history of success in the maritime industry. Seek references to verify their expertise and service quality.

Marpoint: Your Trusted Partner for Maritime IT

Marpoint is committed to providing innovative and reliable IT solutions that meet the specific needs of the maritime industry. With our extensive experience and dedication to customer service, we can be your trusted partner in ensuring the smooth operation of your vessel’s IT infrastructure.

Ready to transform your business?

Let's get started!