Intrusion Detection

ML-Powered automated attack detection with fast, real-time alerts to management

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors network or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports to a management station.

Compliance Through IDS: Mitigate Cyber Risk

IDS is not a firewall. A firewall acts as a protective barrier, analyzing network traffic and allowing or blocking it based on predefined rules. This establishes a boundary that restricts certain types of traffic.

While firewalls provide the foundation for network security, advanced threats can sometimes bypass them.

An IDS is a valuable component of any organization’s cybersecurity because it adds an extra layer of defense, making it more difficult for attackers to gain undetected access to a network.

What is a Network IDS (NIDS)?

A NIDS monitors your entire network, analyzing both packet metadata and content for suspicious activity. This broader view allows it to detect widespread threats that might evade other security measures. monitors your entire network, analyzing both packet metadata and content for suspicious activity. This broader view allows it to detect widespread threats that might evade other security measures.

Guarding Your Network: How IDS Works

Unlock Advanced Threat Detection with Marpoint NIDS

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High-speed internet connectivity

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Marpoint Starlink low latency

Low latency

Starlink has a latency of less than 99 ms. significantly better than traditional satellite internet which experience latency around 600ms.

Global coverage

Global reach for oceans and waterways, including international waters and ports in over 70 countries.

Lower data costs

Starlink offers two main service tiers for maritime use: 1TB Plan & 5TB Plan, starting at $1,000 per month.

Marpoint support

Easy installation

User-friendly equipment, easy-mounts antenna anywhere on boat. No expertise required.

Marpoint Maritime Sensors

Sensor Technology

High-speed internet enables collecting high-quality ship data with reliable sensors, which can open up new ways to optimize the lifecycle and efficiency of ships.

Marpoint crew welfare

Crew Welfare and Safety

Shipboard life transformed: Telemedicine, entertainment & more for happy, productive crews.

How can you benefit from network-based IDS?

Our IDS suite combined with our proactive Managed IT Services will provide the below distinctive features:

What is a Network IDS (NIDS)?

A NIDS monitors your entire network, analyzing both packet metadata and content for suspicious activity. This broader view allows it to detect widespread threats that might evade other security measures. monitors your entire network, analyzing both packet metadata and content for suspicious activity. This broader view allows it to detect widespread threats that might evade other security measures.

Vulnerability updates

Critical fixes for newly discovered security holes.


Easily monitor, filter and search vessel - fleet activity


Constant watch for threats in network traffic and through systems, 24/7/365.

Zero maintenance

No user action is needed to keep the system up to date

Vulnerabilities and threats assessment

Security Assessment

Security specialists perform assessment and penetration attacks on infrastructure.


Almost real-time alerting

Administration & Management Portal

Designed to meet the most needed and must-have requirements of IT managers, our new control panel page brings unprecedented visibility into the performance, consumption, and status details of all connections on vessels.

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