Case Studies

Chosen case studies from various installations on selected clients’ vessels

Case Studies

Laskaridis Shipping chooses Marpoint’s EVO2 Platform for their entire fleet

Laskaridis Shipping chooses Marpoint’s Evo2 Platform for their entire fleet Based in Greece, Laskaridis Shipping made the strategic decision to make a fleet-wide rollout of the Evo2 Router & Platform in order to take advantage of the several options for business and crew communication that the solution offers. Laskaridis Shipping, a dynamic dry bulk shipping company based in Greece, made the strategic decision to make a fleet-wide rollout of the Evo2 Router & Platform in order to take advantage of

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Case Studies

Evo2 Platform on Eastern Mediterranean vessels equipped with FleetBroadband

Evo2 Platform on Eastern Mediterranean vessels equipped with FleetBroadband (FBB) Before the first Evo2 router deployment, we were not aware of a maritime router that would be able to provide so efficient bandwidth optimization and quality of service, as well as optimum firewall management and fast failover functionality over FBB terminals. With the Evo2 router and Hybrid PBX, we managed to combine Business and Crew Internet, VoIP and Voice calls. This was an important breakthrough for our company if we

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Case Studies

World’s largest ship goes digital

TI Europe supertanker, the world’s largest ship required a way to stay online constantly, whether it’s out in the ocean on a business project or in the port waiting to reload in the next shipment.

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Case Studies

Eletson Corporation offers news service for crew

Eletson Corporation: Evo news case study Eletson has a global presence with headquarters in Piraeus, Greece as well as offices in Stamford, Connecticut and London. Eletson owns and operates one of the world’s largest fleets of medium and long range product tankers. The fleet presently consists of 22 double hull tankers with a combined capacity of 1,564,275 dwt, 6 LPG/NH3 carriers with a combined capacity of 197,940 cbm and 5 LEG carriers with capacity of 60,000 cbm. All vessels sail under

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Case Studies

Multirouter DF @ Hellenic Tankers fleet

Multirouter DF @ Hellenic Tankers fleet The advantage of having a network solution that allows us to separate our vessels network from the airtime providers is only one of the benefits that Marpoint’s solution has offered to our company. That said, not only we can now get high return on the our satellite communication packages through the use of VoIP Crew calling and crew internet, but we also have a solution that can be completely installed and controlled remotely, without the usual

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Marpoint - Internet, anytime & anywhere for Variety Cruises Quests
Case Studies

Internet, anytime & anywhere for Variety Cruises guests

Internet, anytime & anywhere for Variety Cruises Quests Delivering low cost, high speed internet with the quality and uptime that marpoint has secured for us through its exceptional hardware and services, has brought excellent reviews from our guest, while simultaneously enhancing our vessels’ communications and connectivity.Isidoros Karamouzos – Variety Cruises Reservations Manager Variety Cruises is one of the leading yacht cruise lines worldwide, operating a fleet of 11 fully owned vessels offering travelers the ultimate Yacht Cruise experience. With capacities

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Case Studies

Marpoint – proudly serving Internet at Sea for Atlantic Bulk Carriers

Marpoint – proudly serving Internet @ Sea for Atlantic Bulk Carriers Crew internet, crew VoIP calling and MultiWan getaways are just some of the many services being used on our fleet. With Marpoint services and unparalleled support, we have managed to increase our ROI on our VSAT airtime plans and at the same time provide low cost internet and communication to our crew Michael Sakellis, Atlantic Bulk Carriers – IT Manager Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd, is a ship operator of

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Case Studies

Golden Yachts – MultiRouter Dual 4Gs Installation in 5 Mega-Yachts

Golden Yachts – MultiRouter Dual 4Gs Installation We are more than delighted with our choice for Marpoint’s MultiRouter as we are now able to enjoy high-speed 3G/4G and satellite Internet connection in any place we may travel or any port we may reach. We manage to keep our guests’ Internet and A/V experience high at the same time we also provide Internet to our crew. We have to thank Marpoint’s expertise for that. Golden Yachts IT Manager PROBLEM/NEED: Golden Yachts

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Case Studies

Εvo News installation on Euronav vessels using custom made solutions

Euronav was in need of a free Internet crew welfare service for its fleet, in order to provide an alternative to its crew that would not require them to use their paid crew internet cards. In addition, they wanted to change the news distribution process, as by that time all news were sent by email allowing only a small number of articles from limited, specific sources to be received.

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