Insights from Digital Ship Athens 2024

Marpoint recently set anchor at the Digital Ship 23rd Athens Spring Conference, held on April 23rd, 2024. This industry gathering focused on the ever-evolving landscape of digitalization, communications, cybersecurity, and vessel performance technologies within the shipping sector.

Navigating the Digital Wave: Key Learnings

The conference offered valuable insights into how shipping companies can leverage these advancements to optimize operations and achieve business objectives. Key takeaways included:

  • Maturity Matters: Evaluating the effectiveness of current digital technology implementations.
  • Software Symphony: Strategies for efficient management of a diverse software portfolio.
  • Bridging the Gap: Optimizing communication between vessels and shoreside teams utilizing hybrid systems.
  • Happy Crew, Happy Voyage: Enhancing crew satisfaction through improved connectivity options.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Leveraging technology to improve maintenance practices and reduce downtime.
  • AI: Partner, Not Replacement: Understanding the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence in shipping operations.
  • Building a Culture of Cybersecurity: Effective communication strategies for raising awareness of cyber threats within your organization.
  • Cybersecurity: Defense in Depth: Modeling cyber threats and implementing robust security measures to protect information, data, and digital systems.
  • The Evolving Threat Landscape: Understanding the dominant cyberattacks and the potential shift from malware to access-based hacking.
  • Unlocking Vessel Data: Simplifying the collection of reliable sensor data for improved performance analysis.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging data insights to support informed decision-making regarding compliance with vessel performance regulations.


Marpoint Embraces the Digital Horizon

Marpoint recognizes the transformative power of digitalization in the shipping industry. The knowledge gained at Digital Ship Athens 2024 will be instrumental in developing solutions that empower our clients to navigate this dynamic digital landscape.

We are committed to collaborating with industry partners to harness the latest technologies and ensure a future for shipping that is efficient, secure, and optimized for success.

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