
Asset Inventory Management:
Future proof your fleet with best practices in the modern maritime IT

The recent publication of UR E26 and UR E27 by IACS underscores the urgency for standardized approaches to enhance cyber resilience in ships, particularly in the face of evolving industry feedback and challenges in implementing new cyber requirements across vessel types and sizes.

Join us for an insightful webinar on Asset Inventory Management tailored specifically for the maritime industry.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 12:00 PM (UTC +2).
The webinar starts in:


Meet the Speakers

Stavros Frountzas
ICT Manager, Laskaridis Shipping

Dimitris Marinis 
ICT Manager, Angelakos (Hellas) S.A.

Christos Vythopoulos
Head of Operations, Marpoint

Giorgos Savvaidis 
IT Department, Naftomar Shipping

What will you learn?

Introduction to Asset Management and Cyber Resilience

Understand the fundamentals of asset management and its pivotal role in bolstering cyber resilience in the maritime domain.

Hands-on Demonstration of Marpoint’s Inventory Asset Management Service

Experience a live demonstration and explore the functionalities and capabilities of the service in managing and safeguarding maritime assets in real-time.

Best Practices and strategies in Asset Management

Delve into best practices applied in asset management using MarPoint’s solution through a case study presented by Naftomar Shipping’s IT Department.

About the Webinar

Asset Inventory Management:
Future proof your fleet with best practices in the modern maritime IT

Discover the distinctive features of Asset Inventory Management in the maritime sector in our upcoming webinar. Led by industry experts, we delve into the critical nexus between asset management, cybersecurity, and operational efficiency.

Gain valuable insights from industry professionals at Laskaridis Shipping, Angelakos (Hellas) S.A., and Naftomar Shipping as they share their perspectives on the application and significance of asset management in ensuring maritime cyber safety. Discover how MarPoint software is revolutionizing asset management practices, offering unique features tailored to maritime needs.

PART A - Savvas Delis: Head of Sales, Marpoint

Introduction to Asset Management and Cyber Resilience

Gain comprehensive insights into the fundamentals of asset management and its pivotal role in fortifying cyber resilience within the maritime domain. Acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in asset inventory management, ensuring strict compliance with the latest International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) regulations, UR E26 and UR E27, pertaining to cyber resilience.

Application and importance of asset management for maritime cyber safety and organizational efficiency

Moderated by Savvas Delis, a panel discussion featuring Mr. Stavros Frountzas, Laskaridis Shipping and Mr. Dimitris Marinis, Angelakos (Hellas) S.A. will explore:

  • The critical role of asset management for maritime cyber safety and operational efficiency.
  • Discover how the unique features of Evo2 complement asset management practices and contribute to cyber resilience.
  • Learn how MarPoint software is facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements and assisting organizations in achieving their cyber resilience goals.

Optimizing Maritime Network Management

  • Experience a live demonstration of Marpoint’s Inventory Asset Management service led by Cristos Vythopoulos.
  • Explore the functionalities and capabilities of the service in managing and safeguarding maritime assets in real-time.

Best Practices in Action: Naftomar Shipping Case Study

George Savaidis from Naftomar Shipping’s IT Department shares their success story, highlighting best practices implemented using Marpoint’s solution. Learn from the experiences and strategies implemented by industry peers to optimize asset management and enhance cyber resilience.

Asset Inventory Management: Future proof your fleet with best practices in the modern maritime IT

Wednesday, 22 May 2024, 12:00 PM (UTC +2)
