Asset inventory management

All your assets in one platform

Asset Inventory Management’s advanced SNMP capabilities enable it to gather detailed information about all connected devices, including their IP addresses, hardware specifications, and operational status.

This automated process eliminates the need for IT managers to manually record each asset, saving them a significant amount of time and effort. Seamlessly integrates with:

evo3 Router

evo3 Router seamlessly integrates with our asset management platforms, providing a comprehensive view of your vessel’s network infrastructure. With evo3 Router installed, your network assets are automatically discovered, imported, and documented, saving you valuable time and effort.

EVO Probe

Even if evo3 Router is not installed on your vessel, you can still leverage our advanced asset management capabilities with the Evo Probe hardware or VM appliance. This lightweight appliance can be deployed on any compatible device, extending the reach of our asset management platform to your entire network.

Network Asset Management: Evo2 Probe

Sensor Data Collector

An SNMP-Driven Network Monitoring Solution. SDC goes beyond simple data collection to generate comprehensive reports, trigger proactive alerts, and perform a variety of management tasks, empowering network administrators to gain a holistic understanding of their vessel’s network status and performance.

Automated asset discovery and documentation process.

Document and record all the systems (ICT and Technical) used on your ships including:

Monitor your assets

Access Points
VoIP Telephones
IP Cameras

Protect your assets

  • Monitor assets’ changes and usage
  • Monitor and update assets’ state
  • Meet cyber resilience requirements
  • Assign assets to users 
Add your assets to inventory

Document all equipment included in your systems and assign them to groups and persons.

Detail involved assets

Add brand, model, purchase and installation dates, status and notes

Add attachments

Add all documentation including asset images, manuals, invoices, shipping documents, etc.

Document licences

List all products installed on the asset including version information, license information with expiration dates etc.

Monitor device logs

Browse information recorded by the system and apps on your device such as Data Type, interface, instances etc.

Generate labels

Print QR Code labels with additional information for your assets.

Webinar: Network Asset Management

Monitor your network

Create diagrams to represent network assets and their information.

Diagrams provide a clear visual representation of the network infrastructure, which can help the manager to easily understand the components of the network, their relationships, and their interconnections. 

By creating and updating these diagrams, IT managers can keep track of the network’s assets and their configurations, which can help them to manage the network more effectively. Furthermore, diagrams can also be used to plan changes and upgrades to the network, as well as to troubleshoot problems when they arise. 

A pathway to compliance

IACS has recently released new Unified Requirements, E26 and E27, for cyber security. 

These requirements are founded on the guidelines provided in IMO’s RESOLUTION MSC.429(98)/Rev.1 and MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3/Rev.1. The introduction of these new requirements offers a consistent approach for implementing cyber resiliency in the maritime industry. While these requirements are not obligatory for vessels already in operation, shipowners are advised to consider adopting them to enhance the operational cyber resiliency of their existing fleets. This will aid in better preparation for the 1st January 2024 deadline and facilitate easier adaptation for new constructions, ensuring long-term maintenance across the entire fleet.

Intergration with evo3 Router

When evo3 Router is installed, the router automatically discovers all the assets on the vessel’s network, imports and documents them in the network asset management platform. This automated process eliminates the need for IT managers to manually record each asset, saving them a significant amount of time and effort.

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