Evo News

The free Crew Welfare service for the seafarers

A holistic crew welfare experience of daily and live information, recreation and entertainment!

Stay informed with Evo News. Get the latest global current events, sports scores, and business news from diverse sources to keep your crew engaged.

Stay Connected with Evo News

Evo News - Wordwide news

Wordwide news

Access Worldwide News from Selected Sites' Feeds in More Than 20 Languages

Evo News - Company Newsfeed

Company newsfeed

Take advantage of the company newsfeed feature to send your crew company news and training material or videos.

Play games

A virtual catalog of classic online games (like Tetris, Pac-Man) for your seafarers to enjoy during downtime!

Evo News - Data Consumption

Enjoy offline access

Keep your crew entertained at sea without worrying about data charges.

Over 1.2 million articles delivered monthly to:


Marpoint's innovation towards crew welfare

Evo News offers the ability to:

  • Send thousands of compressed news articles to vessels every day.
  • Choose the articles delivered to each vessel by crew nationality. Unlimited languages for all your crew members (i.e. Greek, Indian, Filipino, Russian, etc).
  • Evo News Company feed:
    Create your ‘company’ custom news and training sessions for the crew.
  • Evo News Games:
    A virtual catalog of classic online games (i.e Tetris) that you can activate for your Seafarers to play in their spare time!
  • Evo News Videos:
    Send your training material or videos,
    ( i,e Cyber Security Best Practices) to your
    vessels where your Seafarers will watch on
    their tablet/mobile phone.
  • New, user-friendly control panel

Case Studies

Chosen case studies from various installations on selected clients’ vessels to showcase the value of our products and services which allow in-depth, multi-faceted explorations in their real-life settings.

Ready to transform your business?

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